在MNU,我们的信仰在我们的校园社区中得以体现. 每周二的礼拜仪式是我们校园的核心, 与学生, 教职员工一起做礼拜. 此外,学生可以在每学期参加一些小组研究.
All undergrad students are required to participate in chapel and other spiritual life activities each semester to earn spiritual formation credits. Spiritual formation is an intentional part of our community—we strive to make MNU a place where students encounter God and grow in the 基督ian faith. 属灵的塑造塑造了我们个人,也塑造了我们的校园,使我们更接近耶稣.
MNU是一个信仰社区,也是一个学习社区. Spiritual formation is a critical component of a student’s MNU experience—we strive to make MNU a place where students encounter God and grow in the 基督ian faith.
Our guiding principle is the truth affirmed by Wesleyan theology that our salvation is a dynamic process—we are both saved and being saved, holy and being made holy (Acts 20:32; 1 Corinthians 1:18).
学生们不仅参加精神培育活动, 他们也协助带领我们在校园的属灵培育. 学生帮助促进小组,去事工和宣教旅行. 另外, 在我们的每一个小教堂服务,我们的学生通常协助在歌曲崇拜, 祷告的主要时间,偶尔在教堂里讲话.
All undergrad students are required to participate in chapel and other spiritual life activities each semester to earn spiritual formation credits. Spiritual formation is an intentional part of our community—we strive to make MNU a place where students encounter God and grow in the 基督ian faith. 属灵的塑造塑造了我们个人,也塑造了我们的校园,使我们更接近耶稣.
MNU的精神生活不是一项观赏性的运动, 而是在我们共同参与的过程中形成的.
Dr. 布雷迪·布拉茨,大学牧师
每周的礼拜是MNU属灵生活的核心. These services allow us to be part of a true community and introduce us a variety of spiritual practices and disciplines. 最重要的是,它们提供了一个定期反思和加深人与上帝关系的机会. Students are required to attend a variety of chapel services and small group or service opportunities each semester.
Everyone has a story to tell and these chapel services will feature an interview with 教师 from our campus. 我们将学习神如何在他们的生命中作工, 他们如何发现自己是MNU社区的一部分, 以及他们感觉到上帝在引领他们走向未来的地方.
The 基督ian faith has always been designed to be lived in and on behalf of the world that God loves so much. 这些服务将以我们的一些教师分享他们的专业领域为特色, and will challenge our community to consider how being a follower of 基督 shapes the way we interact with our culture.
在基督教信仰中, 有时候,我们只需要被提醒一下,在人生的旅途中还有和我们一样的人. 在我们的学生带领的教堂, 我们社区的成员分享他们的生活, 传, 并讲述上帝如何在他们的生命中工作的充满信心的故事.
体育团队, 宿舍小组, 小组专注于特定专业, 任何人都可以报名参加的团体将是我们为期6周的旅行社区. 每个小组将包括一起祷告, 关于基督教信仰的讨论, 也是鼓励的时刻.
小组报名将于周二开始, 10月5日在我们的聚会礼拜堂礼拜,我们的第一周小组礼拜从星期四开始, 10月7日. 当我们为学期安排好小组时, 回来看看,我们会有一个描述每个小组的视频, a description of each group and a link for you to sign-up for the group you’d like to be a part of this fall.
有兴趣领导一个小组? 联系牧师. 安迪库克和学习更多关于如何领导一个团队, the requirements for leading a group and when our fall small group leaders training event will take place.
牧师. 安迪·库克:ascook@conticasa.com
基督徒团体是神在世上的手和脚. 出于这个原因, students can also participate in one of MNU’s designated weekly ministries to earn a portion of their SFC. 欢迎学生选择符合他们兴趣的事工 & 他们每参加一次事工,就会得到一个属灵培育学分.
每学期有45到50个精神培育学分. 全日制学生必须修满20个属灵形成学分. 学生需要在周二的课上修满10个属灵培育学分, 收集教堂,并且可以在任何我们的精神生活事件中获得剩余的学分. 不时地, 然而, 学业要求禁止学生参加足够的精神培育活动. 以下是允许减少灵性形成学分的情况列表.
(额外的机会, such as spiritual life retreats and mission trips also allow students to earn spiritual formation credits.]
所有的减免都在学期第一天的两周内十大体育博菜网站到学生账户上. There is no need to contact the 精神生活 Office to receive a reduction because all reductions are applied based on a student’s academic schedule. 如果一个学生不属于其中一个类别,他们的精神形成学分减少, 没有折扣.
不时地 students will arrive at the end of the semester having not completed their spiritual formation requirements. 如果你发现自己在这种情况下, 每个学生都有资格一次性减少或取消他们的精神形成罚款.
在MNU注册的学生不需要确定自己是耶稣的追随者. 我们的社区由教师领导, 工作人员, 政府, 还有爱上帝的教练,他们的生命被耶稣基督改变了. 此外,MNU是一所由拿撒勒人教会赞助的大学. 出于这些原因, individuals attending MNU should know that we are a community of people working to become more like 基督 and we’d love to invite you to join us in this process. 也就是说,我们欢迎那些不信耶稣的学生! 我们期待与那些初信基督的人一起活出我们对基督的热情, 不熟悉上帝的故事, 或是那些对上帝持怀疑态度的人.
尽管学生不必承认信仰基督, 我们确实要求学生参与我们社区的节奏. 我们的节奏包括教堂服务、小组、学生事工、宣教旅行和静修. MNU是一个学习和信仰的机构. 由于这些原因,精神的形成是你在这所大学经历的一个共同课程的一部分. 校园里有各种各样的课外活动, 比如校内运动, 社会生活活动, 还有校园社团. Spiritual formation is a part of the DNA of our campus community and is a part of what it means to attend MNU.
MNU的传统本科生每学期需要获得16个精神形成学分(SFC). This requirement can be fulfilled as student attend events and services put on by the 精神生活 Office.
Students attending one of our spiritual life events or service by downloading the iAttended App on their smart phone or tablet. At each event/service or event students will be provided with a QR code to scan into the event/service and a QR code to scan out. 一旦这已经完成, their attendance at the event will be immediately be recorded with their iAttended App on their smart phone. In order to receive credit for attending a event/service a student must arrive within 5 minutes of the beginning of the event/service and stay for the duration of the event/service.
灵性培养要求的减少不是基于个人情况, 而是基于学生的学术要求. 有不同信仰的, 住在校外, 工作安排, 或其他课外活动不符合学生减少要求的条件. 不时地, 学术要求禁止学生参加足够的聚会教堂. 在这个例子中, 学生可能有资格在一个学期内减少他们的精神形成学分. 因学业原因获得减免的学生不需要申请减免. 减免将在学期的第二周进行, 根据学生被录取的具体课程. 要查看有关灵性形成学分减少的详细信息,请参阅我们的要求.
Students can check how many spiritual formation credits they have by accessing iAttended app on their smart phone or by going to www.iAttended.com
我们鼓励MNU的学生加入当地的教会, 但是参加教会的礼拜并不能满足你的属灵培育要求. Our spiritual formation rhythm is intended to gather our whole community together and is a unique aspect of what it means to attend MidAmerica.
没有达到所有精神培育要求的学生将被罚款. 第一个未完成的证监会将被罚款50美元,每多完成一个证监会将被罚款10美元. (例如,如果一个人在本学期的16项SFC中获得了12项,他们将收到80美元的罚款.). Consecutive spiritual formation fines will result in a student receiving a progressively higher fine each semester. Spiritual formation fines are intended to hold students accountable to the commitment they made to be a part of the MNU community.
是的, there is a one-time fine reduction/removal program that is available to students who are returning in the following semester.
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